A competent partner in the implementation of the solution.
I. About our project Switzerland - China
- Preparation phase 5 years
- On March 27, 2018, the official cooperation agreement was signed
- Official registration took place on June 25, 2018
- On September 4, 2018, the Swiss China SME Center was opened in the German Eco Park in Qingdao

II. Press reports on the opening ceremony in Qingdao on September 4, 2018
YouTube: youtube.com
Ifeng: qd.ifeng.com
Ministry of Commerce of the PRC: mofcom.gov.cn
China News: jl.chinanews.com.cn
Qingdao News: zsqd.app.qing5.com
West Coast New Area: qwmedia.cn
Our address in China:
Switzerland - China center Qingdao
GE Centre Qingdao (No. 19 TaiBaiShan Road)
Huangdao district, Qingdao City, Shandong Province China
III. About the cooporation partner in Switzerland
Business X Union AG Official partner in Switzerland for the center in Qingdao

- We support Swiss SMEs in entering China through the economic zone in Qingdao
- For existing Swiss companies in China, we offer location optimization and services
- Promotion of economic, cultural and educational projects
- Connect business partners on both sides
- A – Z (from administration till registration)
Based on economic, diplomatic and political levels.

- Exclusive representation in Switzerland
- VIP Management and Consulting
- Media Consulting and PR Management
- Off-Market Real Estate Service
- Event Management
- Start-Up Consulting
- Mediation of international business contacts
- BXU TV Business on YouTube
IV. Official signing of the Cooperation Agreement

The official signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the City of Qingdao and the SME Center Switzerland - China and the Business X Union AG.
The City of Qingdao is represented by Lord Mayor Meng Fanli and General Director of the Qingdao City Trade Department Mr. Zhao Suyie.
Other present a trade delegation of the city of Qingdao and the Chinese Embassy, the Chinese Consulate and many guests from the business and politics.
Venue was the Schloss Shilberg in Zurich.
Video on YouTube: youtube.com

V. Michael Eckhardt has been closely associated with China since March 2012 at diplomatic, business and private levels

2018-09-04: Opening ceremony in Qingdao
2018-09-04: Press Report (144 kb, Chinese)
2018-09-04: qd.ifeng.com, Press Report (144 kb, Chinese)
2018-09-04: Presentation (144 kb, Chinese)
2018-09-05: jl.chinanews.com (144 kb, Chinese)
2018-09-06: Ministry of Commerce, China (144 kb, Chinese)
Projekt Qingdao (970 kb, German)