Business X Union AG Swiss consulting company in Bern.
Since 1974 the innovative force in the development of new solutions.
+41 (0) 44 586 59 95 +41 (0) 76 532 33 20

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Construction cost optimization

We are not specialists. We'll show you what we've learned from experience.

Based on a current construction project. Existing redesigned and innovation integrated.
For a family house construction project, we evaluated 200 craftsmen's cost estimates over a period of 18 months.
Several dozen conversations with the entrepreneurs and price analyzes carried out.
From this evaluation, 35 professional and competent entrepreneurs remained, who provide their services at fair prices.
We are happy to provide you with this specialist knowledge.
We look forward to receiving your inquiries.

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About us

Business X Union AG
Swiss consulting company in Bern.
Since 1974 the innovative force in the development of new solutions.

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Business X Union AG
Amthausgasse 3, CH-3011 Bern
+41 (0) 44 5865995
+41 (0) 76 5323320 (mobile)
Mo-Fr: 08 till 19
Sa & Su: Date by arrangement

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